Monday, March 26, 2007

Yes you can eat dirt!

Dirt cups
Mmmmm....dirt cups. Not the best treats in the world, but it's steeped in tradition. Ok that might be a bit on the crapola side...but it's an awesome fun treat to make with kids. Granted I had to convince Pria that the worms were treats and not real. Once we get passed that part it's all good! So go make some dirt cups and relive those girls camp not those ones, that year sucked. The other ones...really there were some I promise...weren't there???


Ellen said...

So glad Pria enjoyed her 1st dirt cup. I can remember Grandma making these, couldn't believe she would do that. They actually tasted alright. So, you did this at camp huh? Oh, the memories of those days you all must have. Some day your daughter will have to go and come back with good or horror stories

christy said...

cabers won't touch the stuff-good or bad? i haven't decided.