Winged Wonders is back and running at the zoo. Still can't hold my camera that steady, so most shots end up scrapped. 20% keep rate is not the best, but it's better then nothing.
First up, the ever popular blue morpho, with his wings always. These guys have eluded me for the past 3 years, maybe this is my year.
not a clue what these guys were called now...but they are bright purple...only in the right light though. Most times, these guys are hidden or not flashing the colors. Today was rare, I had 4 of them right infront of me for several minutes.
This is the same as above. I loved his spotted eyes.
He was a lone little guy in a big big world. And every time I took, rather tried to take his picture some girl would walk in front of me. Silly teenagers and their cell phones.
I just love his placement. Wished it could have been on a different backdrop, but it's the first visit of many...i'll take it for now.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
They're baaaaack!
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3:21 AM
Monday, June 04, 2007
Eat me, eat me
I've never really taken pictures of food. Just can't ever get it right, but I gave it another try the other day. Little miss helped me set it up and take the pictures, and some of her own too.
First up was apples. Getting it lit was a pain and then some. But after about 40+ minutes I had it as good as I could. This ended up better then I thought it would...guess I'm getting better at this.
Then came tomato. I didn't really like them. The colors bled too much in my opinion, but Pria liked them and I mostly set it up for her. I think it was a fairly good outing for her. She picked which one she wanted to shoot and from where. I focused for her and had her take it. Took a few tries to get her looking in the view finder right, but she got it down and snapped off a few pictures.
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1:29 PM