Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Summer time

It's summer, sort of, and that means more family time. And the only time to get those relaxed comfy family shots, which I'm still not any good at...argh. The wonderful thing about digital and 2 4gb cf cards means if I take 600 shots odds are there are at least one or two that are decent.

We headed to Nana and Papas house for a bbq for Mothers Day, it was warm and the squids got to play in the sprinkler :)

Toran did a great audition for Singing in the Rain.

Pria would not run through the sprinkler, her hair and hands were the only thing to touch the water, can't blame her the water was pretty cold.

After sprinkler time came the kids were worn out, Toran and Nana had some cuddles in the sun.

Papa and Haven enjoy a stroll around the yard.

I took a few moments and took some pictures of the yard and found this little guy, I didn't get much time to prepare but he's crisp and clear....that's always good.

I love bleeding hearts, but they are a pain to photograph. Rarely are they in wonderful lighting with calm wind, but this little stem caught my eye and for a few minutes everything was great.

It was a fun day a good intro into hopefully some more family gatherings before the Ashworths head to igloo land for 4 years.


Lizzy said...

thanks soooo mcuh for posting pics of the family! They are great. more more more!

Anonymous said...

I love that bleeding harts picture -- it's so perfect that I would have assumed you set it up or digitally arranged it. And although, I only take pictures of my kids in hopes of showing them to some future boy- or girlfriend, I really liked that one of Toran in the sprinkler. It was such a perfect summer photo I didn't even notice that my little Toran was the "boy-in-undies". I would also like to see what that picture looks like in B&W.