Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Night lights...

I was bored last night waiting for the wash to dry so I could wash towels and figured I'd mess around with the camera some more. I was looking for something to take pictures of and Magnetix just aren't enticing me right now. So I played around with Pria's globe light toy. Was fun and gave me some more ideas for a later date :)

Just for fun I'll put in the picture of the Magnetix from last time I was bored at night...I'm sure most of you have seen.


Lizzy said...

those are so pretty. i love the globe toy. it's the best $3 i've ever spent. it's our official bday gift for friends.

ABQ Mom said...

I've never heard of it, but it sounds like an awesome toy. It definitely helped to create some cool pictures.

Angie said...

Go to Target and look in the toy section, they are in's the coolest "cheap" toy for kids